30 Juta 💥
Good morning & happy Monday!
We hope you have a fantastic start to the week ahead. Is there anything specific you'd like to share? Coz we have something to share with you...
1️⃣ Threads App Is Skyrocketing
Threads app has been growing really fast. Mark Zuckerberg announced that Threads generated more than 30MM installs within 24 hours of launch 😱 Eric Seufert predicts the numbers will grow to 174MM in Q2 2024 🚀
What We Know So Far
- Untuk bisa menghapus akun Threads, pengguna diharuskan menghapus akun Instagram juga.
- They said Threads isn’t a place for news, politics, or negativity like Tw**er.
- Don't rush; no one can steal your @handle on Threads as it links to Instagram.
Recycling-old-tweet Strategy
That's the best we can do!
2️⃣ Gen Z Mulai Meninggalkan TikTok Sebagai Tempat Mencari Produk
Tahun lalu NY Times bilang "TikTok is the search engine for Gen Z", but not anymore.
Dari studi yang dilakukan oleh The CivicScience baru-baru ini, ditemukan popularitas TikTok sebagai tempat untuk melakukan product research mengalami penurunan di tahun ini, di sisi lain popularitas Amazon naik sebanyak +45% (age group: 18- to 24-year-olds) dibandingkan tahun lalu.
Yes, it's US Market. Untuk Indonesia, it could be Shopee. Menurut survey Alvara Research Center, Shopee merupakan layanan e-commerce paling populer di kalangan anak muda Indonesia pada Maret 2022.
3️⃣ Meta's Holiday Planning Guide 2023
Dua bulan sebelum libur Natal & Tahun Baru, konsumen sudah mulai merencanakan belanja mereka.
“Instead of just selling, let’s actively reach out to customers and invite them into the Christmas spirit early. Create an always-on connection to delight customers with unexpected discoveries and alleviate their frugal concerns.”
The earlier, the better.
Jangan dadakan booking youtube masthead, at least 1 tahun sebelum campaign udah kunci tanggal. Untuk Facebook, schedule Reach & Frequency campaign jauh-jauh hari, karena auction price di black friday weeks sudah dipastikan lebih mahal.
Unduh kalender di sini
4️⃣ Collaborative Posts Up To 3 People
Berapa lapis? ̶r̶a̶t̶u̶s̶a̶n̶ tigaaa
Collaborative post di Instagram sekarang mendukung kolaborasi sampai dengan 3 orang. What's the benefit? more people = more reach = more engagements 🤝
5️⃣ Mistakes From GA4 Implementation
Now that Universal Analytics (UA) has officially sunset 👋, some of you might haven't finished the migration. Here are some top 10 mistakes that we have learnt and potentially can save you from problems when doing #GA4 implementation.