Google PMax ❤️ Store Sales

Good morning! It's Monday, the start of a fresh new week.

In this newsletter, we are going to cover the following:

  1. GA4 Attribution Updates
  2. Why Does Page Performance Matter?
  3. Google Performance Max <> Store Sales
  4. Gen Z (18-24) Lebih Suka Baca Berita di Socmed
  5. Youtube A/B Testing for Thumbnails

Let's dive in!

1️⃣ GA4 Attribution Updates

channels that can receive credit

Total konversi dari Facebook Ads kecil banget di Google Analytics? Bisa jadi kerena Attribution Settings di Google Analytics 4.

Minggu lalu Google melakukan pembaruan untuk Attribution Setting di GA4, di mana sekarang bisa memilih bagaimana logic untuk memberikan credit ke marketing channels;

  • Google paid channels: Only Google Ads paid channels can receive conversion credit.
  • Paid and organic channels: Paid and organic channels are eligible for conversion credit, but only credit assigned to Google Ads channels will appear in your Google Ads accounts.
Untuk melihat setting ini, buka menu the Admin > Attribution settings di Google Analytics 4.

2️⃣ Why Does Page Performance Matter?

Kurang lebih 2 tahun lalu Google memperkenalkan Core Web Vital sebagai salah satu ranking factor di SEO, including detailed report in Search Console.

Berapa besar pengaruhnya ke bisnis? Google berhasil melakukan studi dengan beberapa brands around the world untuk mejawab pertanyaan ini:

  • When a site meets the Core Web Vitals thresholds, research showed that users were 24% less likely to abandon page load.
  • With each 100ms reduction in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), the web conversion rate for increased by 1.3%.
  • Reducing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) by 0.2 led Yahoo! JAPAN to a 15% increase in page views per session, 13% longer session durations, and a 1.72 percentage point decrease in bounce rate.
  • improved Core Web Vitals and saw advertising revenues increase by 18% and page views by 27%.
  • Reducing CLS from 1.65 to 0 significantly uplifted domain rankings globally for

3️⃣ Google Performance Max 👉👈 Store Sales

select store sales in pmax

Sekarang Performance Max campaign sudah mendukung untuk store sales (offline store) untuk reporting & bidding.

Google said:

Store sales is an online-to-offline ads measurement solution that allows you to understand how much value your ads are truly driving for in-store purchases by using your sales data in a privacy-safe way.

Key Features:

  • Smart bidding capabilities that optimize towards store sales conversions or both online & offline (omni channel goals).
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS) calculations for both online and offline conversions.
  • Reporting for visit-to-purchase rate by campaign.

4️⃣ Gen Z (18-24) Lebih Suka Baca Berita di Socmed

The Reuters Institute merilis laporan tahunan mereka terkait news consumption trends (download di sini) dengan lebih 10,000 responden dari 52 negara.

Ada beberapa findings menarik dari laporan ini.

Gen Z di UK Lebih Suka Mengakses Berita Dari Social Media

Anak Muda Mulai Meninggalkan FB & IG

Laporan total ada 40 halaman & bisa dibaca di sini

5️⃣ Youtube A/B Testing for Thumbnails

muaaz on twitter

Thumbnail switching can be stressful and a very manual process? Say no more!

Minggu lalu Youtube mengumumkan fitur A/B Testing akan tersedia di Youtube Studio. Fitur ini membantu creators untuk menggunakan thumbnails yang berbeda di video mereka.

Beberapa creators sudah mendaptkan akses ke fitur baru ini, dan akan dirilis 100% oleh Google tahun depan.